
Taxi in Addis Abeba commonly referred to as“Weyeyet” (discussion) because of its two opposing benches.

Ethiopia’s National Dialogue

New Publication
Ethiopia has embarked on a critical national dialogue effort that carries the potential to reshape its political landscape. If not managed effectively, it could yield disastrous consequences.  
Cover Page with illustration of forced eviction

Development Induced Displacement in Kenyan Cities

New Publication
This policy brief addresses the problem of forced evictions resulting from development in Kenyan cities. In it, the author synthesizes the findings of a conference on ‘Urban Displacement’ convened by the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s African Migration Hub in Nairobi on August 28th 2023. Surveying a wide range of literature and legal cases brought by civil society on behalf of displaced communities, Development-induced Displacement in Kenyan Cities provides new and original policy recommendations on how to improve migration and displacement governance at the local, national, and international level.

Perspectives Africa

Perspectives is a publication series of the Africa offices of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung. The series provides a platform for experts from Africa to express their views about issues pertinent to the democratic and sustainable development agenda in the region.

The latest edition of Perspectives "African Feminisms across Generations" is a collaboration between the Gender Focal Persons (HBF staff members who serve as resource persons on gender issues) from our four offices in Africa and the Africa Division at our head office in Berlin. The idea for the edition was born out of a strategy to collectively develop an approach to gender-related political goals that is rooted in feminist realities, thinking and narratives specific to the African continent.

Placeholder Image for Video Content
From the current edition #01/2021