Dakar, Lagos, Thiès, Nairobi

Vulnerable Communities

Displacement and Evictions in Nairobi

Click to enlarge chart and get more information

Testimonies of displaced people in Nairobi

Listen to Bridgit's testimony in Kiswahili:

Listen to Jared's testimony in Kiswahili:

Listen to Maurice's testimony in Kiswahili:

Listen to Mariam's testimony in Kiswahili :

Listen to Annete's testimony in Kiswahili:

Listen to Rugurs's testimony in Kiswahili :

Our special thanks to:

Interviews, translation, and transcription: Irene Asuwa
Photography: Brighton Ochieng Odwar
Illustrations:  Robert Maina Kambo
Edited and Curated by: Ali Nobil Ahmad

Curated Conversations
All episodes

Curated Conversations is a podcast series that examines the past, present, and possible futures of migration within and from the African continent. It seeks to forge a new discussion around African migration in Europe and the West, but also within Africa itself: one that foregrounds African knowledge, lived experience, and political thought towards a humane and socially just order of mobility. Hosted by African Arguments and the Heinrich Boll Foundation’s African Migration Hub.

Episode 8: The Black Mediterranean

In recent years, thousands of migrants seeking to reach Europe have drowned in the Mediterranean. Mediatized images of travelers crammed into vessels have become all-too familiar. Horrific coverage of these boats capsizing has constructed a morbid notion of the Mediterranean as a space of death and desperation for African migrants.
Publications on Displacement
Cover Page with illustration of forced eviction

Development Induced Displacement in Kenyan Cities

New Publication
This policy brief addresses the problem of forced evictions resulting from development in Kenyan cities. In it, the author synthesizes the findings of a conference on ‘Urban Displacement’ convened by the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s African Migration Hub in Nairobi on August 28th 2023. Surveying a wide range of literature and legal cases brought by civil society on behalf of displaced communities, Development-induced Displacement in Kenyan Cities provides new and original policy recommendations on how to improve migration and displacement governance at the local, national, and international level.
image of ethiopia idp camp on cover

Internal Displacement in Ethiopia: Towards a New Policy and Legal Framework for Durable Solutions

New Publication
This analysis reviews and identifies gaps within the existing legal and policy frameworks related to internally displaced persons (IDPs) using an approach based on human security. It provides recommendations on the protection of these groups from attacks, pervasive human rights abuses and re-displacement, thereby contributing to the consolidation of a durable solution based on proactive policies and a new legal framework.